The #1 reason you aren’t receiving signs from your loved one

Let me start by saying that I don’t believe that our loved ones are gone. Rather, I believe that they are still with us, their spirit as present as it was in life. Throughout my own journey through grief, I have experienced time and time again, the connecting power of the love that lives on despite the absence of the physical body.

I also believe that our loved ones are sending us signs all the time.

They want us to be aware of the fact that they haven’t left us. They want us to find comfort and strength in the knowing that we are still, and always will be, connected through the undying bond of love.

If you feel as though you haven’t received the signs and guidance from your loved one, here’s what I think is blocking you.

It’s up to us to learn to tune into this new way of communicating. The problem is that we live in a society of endless noise and distraction and we have never been taught how to dial the noise WAY down. The ability to get quiet is the first step in tuning into the signs and guidance from our loved ones and from the Universe.

Life is so very busy and grief comes with such overwhelming emotions that it’s easy to miss the signs entirely. Signs are subtle and if we are not paying attention, we might literally walk right by a billboard sized sign and miss it entirely (it’s happened to me!).

It’s so easy to miss the signs even when they are right there in front of us. So it’s not that we aren’t receiving signs, it’s that we aren’t slowing down enough to notice them.

Here are a few practices that have helped me tune in and receive signs:

  1. Become present and mindful

    Daily meditation is a great way to get quiet and tune into your own intuition. Signs can be as subtle as a sudden inner knowing that our loved one is near. We might feel a sign in our body before being consciously aware of it in our rational mind. Having a simple meditation practice can help you learn to quiet the mind and tune into your body’s infinite wisdom.

    If, like me, you are not a great meditator, you can still get all of these benefits by engaging in active meditations. The goal here is to engage in an activity that promotes mind wander. I love to get outside with no distractions (that means no phone!) and simply walk. As I am walking, my mind wanders and that shuts down the part of the brain responsible for that incessant chatter. It helps me become mindful of what’s around me. As I walk, I pay attention to the world around me. I notice the trees, feel the wind and the sun on my skin, listen to the sounds of the cars and of the leaves blowing in the wind.

    By slowing down and paying attention, we open our consciousness up to receive signs and guidance from our loved ones.

  2. Just ask!

    You might not know this yet but you can ask your loved one for signs. I do it all the time. When I need to make an important decision or when I am missing A and want reassurance that he is still around me, I will close my eyes, get really quiet and still and speak to him, almost like a prayer. I will ask him for a specific sign. Make it specific so that when you receive it, your rational mind can’t explain it away as a coincidence or a random event. The key once you have asked for your sign is to surrender and trust that you will receive it.

    It really is that simple.

Through signs, we can find great comfort in knowing that our loved ones are ok and that they are still with us in their own way. Although it doesn’t replace their physical presence in our lives, it can help alleviate the heaviness of grief.

I send you love on your own journey through loss, xo MC


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